I am interested in Cosmology since there are many many open questions which people are trying to understand and interpret. We are now in the era of precision cosmology so it's going to be very exciting. My area of research is mostly based on the study of the polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB).
I have recently started a tenure track at University of Catania, (which is also my home town!), where I joined the Astrophysics group in the Observatory and started teaching (both grad and undergrad students). Before that I worked as a staff researcher at University of Rome - Tor Vergata where I joined the cosmology group led by Nicola Vittorio and Marina Migliaccio. I spent ~5 years in my beloved California where I had the great opportunity of being a PostDoc at UC Berkeley and at the Center for Computational Cosmology, (led by Julian Borrill) and at KIPAC (Stanford University, CMB group led by Chao-Lin Kuo). Thanks to this experience, I got actively involved in several CMB experiments to date: Simons Observatory, CMB-S4 and LiteBIRD. Currently, I have several responsability roles: SO pipeline leader of Galactic and Extra-galactic science, and Simulation Production Manager for LiteBIRD. I am currently working on systematics assessments for Litebird and SO due to gain drifts and beam systematics on one hand. On the other hand, I am interested in improving the foreground modelling by identifying area of homogeneity in the spectral quantities we use to parameterize the Foreoground emission.
I graduated in Astrophysics at the International School of Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste (Italy) on October, 2017 and I worked on data analysis for Cosmic Microwave Background ground based experiments under the supervision of Carlo Baccigalupi and Giulio Fabbian since October 2013 (when my PhD started)..
On December, 2016 I got a Master in High Performance Computing (MHPC) meant to improve the young scientists capability in writing massively parallel codes, installing and handling any scientific library, object oriented programming, finite element methods, iterative methods, large-data manipulation, parallel linear algebra and advanced numerical analysis.
Astroparticule et Cosmologie Institute, Paris