Adding CO lines to PySM

Planck released maps for the first CO rotational lines, i.e. $J =1-0, 2-1, 3-2$, whose center frequency is respectively at : $\nu _0 = 115.271, 230.538, 345.796$ GHz. The maps we use are therefore extracted from $100, 217 , 353 $ GHz HFI channels.
Several type of CO maps have been obtained with different component separation algorithms. We 've chosen the ones with the largest signal-to-noise ratio, the Type 1 CO maps as described in Planck XIII (2014). Those maps have been estimated with MILCA algorithm and they exploit the differences in bands within each frequency channel, this also allowed them to extract CO line maps at the nominal resolution of a given HFI channel.

Planck released maps

CO Maps Pre-processing

  1. Maps HFI_CompMap_CO-Type1_2048_R2.00.fits come together with a point source mask , we set the mask pixels to zero
  2. Maps are realeased in the units of $K (km /s) $, we converted them into $K_{CMB}$ by multplying the measured spectral bandpass of the detectors $F_{CO}$ (as explained in Planck Collaboration IX (2014) and Planck Collaboration XIII (2014) ) :

    • CO 1-0 : $1.42 \times 10 ^{-5} K_{CMB}/ K (km s^{-1})$
    • CO 2-1 : $4.50\times 10 ^{-5} K_{CMB}/ K (km s^{-1})$
    • CO 3-2 : $17.37 \times 10 ^{-5} K_{CMB}/ K (km s^{-1})$
  3. To reduce noise content at High Galactic latitudes we convolved maps with a 1 deg beam.
  4. Maps have been downgraded from nside=2048 to nside=512 to avoid memory issues .

Below string code we've run for preprocessing

m = hp.read_map('CO_data/HFI_CompMap_CO-Type1_2048_R2.00.fits', field=range(12)[::4], verbose=False)
mask = hp.read_map('CO_data/HFI_CompMap_CO-Type1_2048_R2.00.fits', field=range(12)[3::4], verbose=False)
m2= [  m[0] *mask[0], m[1] *mask[1], m[2]*mask[2]  ]
mask2= [ ,hp.UNSEEN).mask  for i in (m2)  ]
fCO= {'1-0': 1.42e-5, '2-1':4.5e-5, '3-2':17.37e-5}
co10K = ( fCO ['1-0'] ) * m2[0] *pl.int0 ( mask2[0])
co21K = (fCO ['2-1'] ) *m2[1] *pl.int0 (mask2[1] )
co32K = ( fCO ['3-2'] ) *m2[2]*pl.int0 (mask2[2] )
co10Ks=hp.smoothing(co10K , fwhm =pl.deg2rad(1.), lmax=1024, pol=False)
co21Ks=hp.smoothing(co21K , fwhm =pl.deg2rad(1.) , lmax=1024, pol=False)
co32Ks=hp.smoothing(co32K , fwhm =pl.deg2rad(1.) , lmax=1024, pol=False)
In [1]:
from IPython.display import HTML

function code_toggle() {
 if (code_show){
 } else {
 code_show = !code_show
$( document ).ready(code_toggle);
<form action="javascript:code_toggle()"><input type="submit" value="Click here to toggle on/off the raw code."></form>''')
In [1]:
import pylab as pl 
from  numpy.random import normal 
import numpy as np
import healpy as hp 
from pylab import cm 
cmap = cm.get_cmap('RdYlBu')
In [2]:
co10K= hp.read_map('data/Planck_maps/HFI_CompMap_CO-Type1_512_R2.00_ring.fits', verbose=False)
co21K= hp.read_map('data/Planck_maps/HFI_CompMap_CO-Type1_512_R2.00_ring.fits', field=1, verbose=False)
co32K= hp.read_map('data/Planck_maps/HFI_CompMap_CO-Type1_512_R2.00_ring.fits', field=2, verbose=False)
hp.mollview(co10K, cmap=cmap, min = 0, max=1e-3, sub=131, title='CO 1-0', unit=r'$K_{CMB}$' )
hp.mollview(co32K, cmap=cmap, min = 0, max=1e-3, sub=133, title='CO 3-2', unit=r'$K_{CMB}$' )
hp.mollview(co21K, cmap=cmap, min=0., max=1e-3, sub=132, title='CO 2-1' , unit=r'$K_{CMB}$')


Below you can find a prototype class I 've developed to be included in PySM. I follow the constructor from AME and Synchrotron classes to be consistent to the current PySM implementation.

All the maps needed to perform those sims are in a folder of my CoriScratch made accessible to mp107 group. /global/cscratch1/sd/giuspugl/CO_data

Another requirement is also now to import the package I and Giulio Fabbian developed to simulate molecular clouds : you need to clone

In [6]:
import mcmole3d as cl  

class CO(object) : 
    def __init__(self,
                 target_nside ,
                 Pol_Frac =0.001 ,
                 theta_HGL = 0., 
                 random_seed= 1234567, 
                 verbose=False, run_mcmole3d=False ): 
        """Class defining attributes for CO line emission.
           CO templates are extracted from Type 1 CO Planck maps. 
           See further details in

        target_nside : int
            HEALPix NSIDE of the output maps
        has_polarization : bool
            whether or not to simulate also polarization maps
            Default: True
        line : string 
            CO rotational transitions. 
            Accepted values : 10, 21, 32  
            Default: 10 
        Pol_Frac: float
            polarisation fraction for polarised CO emission.
            Default: 0.001 
        include_highGalLat_clouds: bool 
            If True it includes a simulation from MCMole3D to include 
            high Galactic Latitude clouds. Default: False 
            (See more details at 
        run_mcmole3d: bool 
            If True it simulates  HGL cluds by running MCMole3D, otherwise it coadds
            a map of HGL emission. Default: False 
        random_seed: int 
            set random seed for mcmole3d simulations. 
        theta_HGL: float
            Angle in degree  to identify High Galactic Latitude clouds 
            (i.e. clouds whose latitude b is |b|> theta_HGL). 
            Default: 0 
        self._line =line 
        self.dic_lines={'10':0, '21':1, '32':2 }
        if self.target_nside <= 512 :
            self.planck_templatemap= hp.read_map('data/Planck_maps/HFI_CompMap_CO-Type1_512_R2.00_ring.fits'  ,
                                         field=self.dic_lines[self._line], verbose=False)
        else : 
            #self.planck_templatemap= hp.read_map('data/Planck_maps/HFI_CompMap_CO-Type1_2048_R2.00_ring.fits'  ,
            #                             field=self.dic_lines[self._line], verbose=False)
            self.planck_templatemap= hp.read_map('/Users/peppe/work/heavy_maps/HFI_CompMap_CO-Type1_2048_1deg_R2.00_ring.fits'  ,
                                         field=self.dic_lines[self._line], verbose=False)
        self.Pol_Frac =Pol_Frac 
        self.random_seed =random_seed 
        self.run_mcmole3d = run_mcmole3d

    def signal(self): 
        Simulate CO signal 
        out= np.zeros( hp.nside2npix(self.target_nside )*3 ).reshape(3,hp.nside2npix(self.target_nside ) ) 
        out[0] = hp.ud_grade( map_in= self.planck_templatemap , nside_out=self.target_nside  )
        if self.HGL : 
            self.simulated_HGLemission =self.simulate_HighGalacticLatitude_CO() 
            out[0]+=  self.simulated_HGLemission  
        if self.has_polarization:
            self.add_polarization(out )
            return out
            return   out[0]
    def add_polarization(self, Imap ):
        Add polarized emission by means of:
        - an overall constant polarization fraction, 
        - a depolarization map to mimick the line of sight depolarization 
          effect at low Galactic latitudes 
        - a polarization angle map coming from a dust template 
          (we exploit the observed correlation between polarized dust and 
          molecular emission in star forming regions). 
        if self.target_nside<=512 : 
            polangle = hp.read_map( './data/auxiliary_data/psimap_dust90_10arcmin_512.fits', verbose=False)
            depolmap = hp.read_map('./data/auxiliary_data/gmap_dust90_10arcmin_512.fits', verbose=False ) 
        else :
            polangle = hp.read_map( './data/auxiliary_data/psimap_dust90_3.5arcmin_2048.fits', verbose=False)
            depolmap = hp.read_map('./data/auxiliary_data/gmap_dust90_3.5arcmin_2048.fits', verbose=False )
        if hp.get_nside(depolmap)!= self.target_nside:
            polangle = hp.ud_grade( map_in= polangle , nside_out=self.target_nside  )
            depolmap = hp.ud_grade( map_in= depolmap , nside_out=self.target_nside  )
        cospolangle =np.cos(2.*polangle) 
        sinpolangle =np.sin(2.*polangle)
        Imap[1]  = self.Pol_Frac  *depolmap *cospolangle *Imap[0]
        Imap[2]  = self.Pol_Frac  *depolmap *sinpolangle *Imap[0]
    def simulate_HighGalacticLatitude_CO ( self ):
        Coadd High Galactic Latitude CO emission, simulated with  MCMole3D.
        if self.run_mcmole3d: 
            #params to MCMole 
            L_0=20.4 #pc 
            R_ring =5.8
            sigma_ring =2.7 #kpc
            R_bulge = 3.
            R_z=10 #kpc 
            Em_0 = 240. 
            R_em = 6.6
            model= 'LogSpiral'

            Itot_o, _ =cl.integrate_intensity_map(self.planck_templatemap,hp.get_nside(self.planck_templatemap) ,planck_map=True)
            Pop=cl.Cloud_Population(N, model, randseed=self.random_seed)

            Pop.set_parameters(radial_distr=[ R_ring,sigma_ring ,R_bulge],
                                   thickness_distr=[z_0, R_z] ,

            if self.verbose: Pop.print_parameters() 
            #project into  Healpix maps
            mapclouds       = cl.do_healpy_map(Pop, nside, highgalcut=np.deg2rad( 90. - self.theta_HGL ),
                                               apodization='gaussian', verbose=self.verbose )
            Itot_m, _       = cl.integrate_intensity_map(mapclouds, nside)
            #convert simulated map into the units of the Planck one 
            rescaling_factor= Itot_m/Itot_o
            mapclouds      /= rescaling_factor
            hglmask =np.zeros_like(mapclouds)
            #Apply mask to low galactic latitudes 
            listhgl=hp.query_strip(nside , pl.deg2rad(90. +self.theta_HGL ), pl.deg2rad(90 - self.theta_HGL))
            rmssim = mapclouds[listhgl].std()
            if rmssim ==0.: 
                belowplanck =rmssim/rmsplanck

            return mapclouds* hglmask/belowplanck 
            if self.target_nside<=512 : 
                mapclouds = hp.read_map( './data/auxiliary_data/mcmoleCO_HGL_512.fits',field=self.dic_lines[self._line], verbose=False)
            else :
                mapclouds = hp.read_map( './data/auxiliary_data/mcmoleCO_HGL_2048.fits',field=self.dic_lines[self._line], verbose=False)
            if hp.get_nside(mapclouds)!= self.target_nside:
                mapclouds= hp.ud_grade( map_in= mapclouds , nside_out=self.target_nside  )
            return mapclouds

Simulating Intensity and Polarization CO maps

Intrinsic polarization from CO molecular emission is expected to a certain extent ( Goldreich effect, Goldreich 1981) and has been detected locally in several molecular complex such as Orion and Taurus, to the level of $3 \% $ (Greaves et al. 1999 ).

If has_polarization= True, the PySM simulates polarized emission in each pixel assuming a constant fractional polarization $f_{pol} =0.1$ % and the planck CO emission map , $I_{CO}$. We thus estimate $Q$ and $U$ maps as : $$ Q = f_{pol} I_{CO} g_d \cos( 2 \psi) $$ $$ U = f_{pol} I_{CO} g_d \sin( 2 \psi) $$

with $g_d $ and $\psi$ being respectively the depolarization and polarization angle maps estimated from a dust map as : $$ g_d = \frac{ \sqrt{Q_{d,353} ^2 + U_{d,353} ^2 } }{f_{pol} I_{d,353} } $$

$$ \psi = \frac{1}{2} \arctan {\frac{U_{d,353}}{Q_{d,353}}} $$

In [8]:
gm=hp.read_map('data/auxiliary_data/gmap_dust90_10arcmin_512.fits', verbose=False )
psi=hp.read_map('data/auxiliary_data/psimap_dust90_10arcmin_512.fits', verbose=False )
hp.mollview(psi,min=-pl.pi/2,max=pl.pi/2, sub=121, title=r'Pol. angle ', cmap=cmap)
hp.mollview(gm,min=0,max=1, sub=122, title=r'Depolarization', cmap=cmap)

COmodel10 = CO(line='10', include_highGalLat_clouds=False,target_nside=64, has_polarization=True)
co10sim = COmodel10.signal()
COmodel21 = CO(line='21', include_highGalLat_clouds=False,target_nside=64, has_polarization=True)
co21sim = COmodel21.signal()
COmodel32 = CO(line='32', include_highGalLat_clouds=False,target_nside=64, has_polarization=True)
co32sim = COmodel32.signal()

hp.mollview(co10sim[0], cmap=cmap, min = 0, max=1e-3, sub=331, title='CO 1-0', unit=r'$K_{CMB}$' )
hp.mollview(co10sim[1], cmap=cmap, min=-1e-7, max=1e-7, sub=332, title='Q ', unit=r'$K_{CMB}$' )
hp.mollview(co10sim[2], cmap=cmap, min =-1e-7, max=1e-7, sub=333, title=' U' , unit=r'$K_{CMB}$')

hp.mollview(co21sim[0], cmap=cmap, min = 0, max=1e-3, sub=334, title='CO 2-1' , unit=r'$K_{CMB}$')
hp.mollview(co21sim[1], cmap=cmap, min=-1e-7, max=1e-7, sub=335, title='Q ' , unit=r'$K_{CMB}$')
hp.mollview(co21sim[2], cmap=cmap, min =-1e-7, max=1e-7, sub=336, title=' U' , unit=r'$K_{CMB}$')

hp.mollview(co32sim[0], cmap=cmap, min = 0, max=1e-3, sub=337, title='CO 3-2' , unit=r'$K_{CMB}$')
hp.mollview(co32sim[1], cmap=cmap, min=-1e-7, max=1e-7, sub=338, title='Q ' , unit=r'$K_{CMB}$')
hp.mollview(co32sim[2], cmap=cmap, min =-1e-7, max=1e-7, sub=339, title=' U' , unit=r'$K_{CMB}$')

Including High Galactic Latitudes clouds

As shown in the pnale above, there are still regions at high Galactic latitudes (HGL) where the CO emission has been purely assessed and where the Planck signal-to-noise was not enough to detect any HGL emission.

The MCMole input parameters (so far hard coded ) are the ones that are obtained from best fit with the Planck CO 1-0 map (see Puglisi et al. 2017 ). If include_highGalLat_clouds=True, a mock CO cloud map is simulated with MCMole3D and coadded to the Planck CO emission map. The polarization is simulated similarly as above.

We give the PySM user the possibility to include the eventuality of molecular emission (both unpolarized and polarized) at HGL. The parameter theta_HGL sets the latitude threshold and can be defined in the constructor.

The installation of mcmole3d is not required, HGL clouds can be input to the CO emission by setting run_mcmole3d=False (which is the default).

In [23]:
COmodelh10 = CO(line='10', include_highGalLat_clouds=True,
                    theta_HGL= 20.,
co10sim = COmodelh10.signal()
hp.mollview(COmodelh10.simulated_HGLemission,sub=131,   min = 0, max=1e-4   ,
              title='HGL clouds precomputed map'.format(i) , unit=r'$K_{CMB}$')

In case one needs to perform several realizations of CO emission, than we suggest to set run_mcmole3d=True and change random_seed for each mock realization. Let's see a couple of realizations of HGL clouds by changing the random seed

In [8]:
for i in range(4):
    COmodelh10 = CO(line='10', include_highGalLat_clouds=True,
                    theta_HGL= 20.,
                    random_seed=i )
    co10sim = COmodelh10.signal()
    hp.mollview(COmodelh10.simulated_HGLemission,sub = 141+i,   min = 0, max=1e-5  , 
              title='HGL clouds MC={}'.format(i) , unit=r'$K_{CMB}$')

Caption: As expected few clouds at HGL are simulated and they look as point sources (the angular size is expected to be up to the degree scale. We also made sure that the flux of HGL clouds to be lower than the Planck sensitivity at those latitudes, otherwise they would have been detected in Planck observations.

Finally, let's simulate for the 3 CO lines without running mcmole3d , we include HGL clouds from a precomputed input

In [24]:
COmodelh10 = CO(line='10', include_highGalLat_clouds=True,target_nside=64, 
                has_polarization=True, theta_HGL= 20.,
                verbose=True )
co10sim = COmodelh10.signal() 
COmodelh21 = CO(line='21', include_highGalLat_clouds=True,target_nside=64,
                has_polarization=True, theta_HGL=20.,
co21sim = COmodelh21.signal()
COmodelh32 = CO(line='32', include_highGalLat_clouds=True,target_nside=64, 
                has_polarization=True, theta_HGL=20. )
co32sim = COmodelh32.signal()

hp.mollview(co10sim[0], cmap=cmap, min = 0, max=1e-3 ,sub=331 , title='CO 1-0',  unit=r'$K_{CMB}$' )
hp.mollview(co10sim[1], cmap=cmap, min=-1e-7, max=1e-7, sub=332, title='Q ', unit=r'$K_{CMB}$' )
hp.mollview(co10sim[2], cmap=cmap, min =-1e-7, max=1e-7, sub=333, title=' U' , unit=r'$K_{CMB}$')
hp.mollview(co21sim[0], cmap=cmap, min = 0, max=1e-3, sub=334, title='CO 2-1' , unit=r'$K_{CMB}$')
hp.mollview(co21sim[1], cmap=cmap, min=-1e-7, max=1e-7, sub=335, title='Q ' , unit=r'$K_{CMB}$')
hp.mollview(co21sim[2], cmap=cmap, min =-1e-7, max=1e-7, sub=336, title=' U' , unit=r'$K_{CMB}$')
hp.mollview(co32sim[0], cmap=cmap, min = 0, max=1e-3, sub=337, title='CO 3-2' , unit=r'$K_{CMB}$')
hp.mollview(co32sim[1], cmap=cmap, min=-1e-7, max=1e-7, sub=(338), title='Q ' , unit=r'$K_{CMB}$')
hp.mollview(co32sim[2], cmap=cmap, min =-1e-7, max=1e-7, sub=339, title=' U' , unit=r'$K_{CMB}$')