Source code for pointsource_utilities

#   pointsource_utilities.PY
#   Utilties functions for data analysis of point sources.
#   date: 2017-12-21
#   Copyright (C) 2017   Giuseppe Puglisi

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as so
import astropy
from astropy import units as u, constants as C
import scipy as sp
from scipy import integrate, interpolate
from IO import *
from Stats import *
from healpy import read_map, query_strip, query_disc, get_nside, mollview

[docs]def compute_variance_ratios(fsky, dir_ps ='./data/'): """ Given a fraction of sky :math:`f_{sky}` if computes the ratio of the variance of the synchrotron and dust maps within a patch with size ``fsky`` and the one within ``fsky0`` which is the value from Planck collaboration et al. 2015.X . All the considered patches exclude the Galactic plane. **Parameters** - `fsky`: {float} - `dir_ps`:{string} path to the PS4C data folder **Returns** -`fs`: {float} ratio of synchrotron variances -`fd`: {float} ratio of thermal dust variances """ sizeradpatch=np.sqrt(fsky).value fskyval= fsky.value /(4.*np.pi) synchro=hp.read_map(dir_ps+'synchro_30GHz_256.fits', field=[1,2],verbose=False) Ps=np.sqrt(synchro[1] **2 +synchro[0]**2) dust=hp.read_map(dir_ps+'thermaldust_353GHz_256.fits', field=[1,2],verbose=False) Pd=np.sqrt(dust[1] **2 +dust[0]**2) nside=get_nside(synchro) listpix0=hp.query_strip(nside, (105.*u.deg).to(u.rad).value, (75.*u.deg).to(u.rad).value ) galstrip=hp.query_strip(nside, (75.*u.deg).to(u.rad).value, (105.*u.deg).to(u.rad).value ) center=(180.-30.)*u.deg fsky2patch={fskyval<0.02: 'small', 0.02<=fskyval<0.1:'large', 0.1<=fskyval<=0.5:'verylarge',0.5<fskyval<=1:'full'} listp_dict= {'small': query_disc(nside, hp.ang2vec(,(35*u.deg).to(u.rad)),sizeradpatch), 'large': query_disc(nside, hp.ang2vec(,(35*u.deg).to(u.rad)),sizeradpatch), 'verylarge': query_disc(nside, hp.ang2vec(,(35*u.deg).to(u.rad)),sizeradpatch), 'full': listpix0 } patch=fsky2patch[True] listpix=listp_dict[patch ] mask=np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside)) mask[listpix]=1. mask[galstrip]=0.,1).mask fs= (np.var(Ps[select_pix])/np.var (Ps[listpix0])) fd= ( np.var(Pd[select_pix])/np.var(Pd[listpix0])) return fs,fd
[docs]def forecast_Galaxy(ell,nu ,fsky, **kwargs ): """ Compute the Galactic contribution in multipole ``ell`` , frequency ``nu`` and fraction of sky ``fsky`` given eq.(22) of Planck 2015 X data are taken from table 4, table 5, table 11. **Parameters** - `ell` : {float or array} multipole orders - `nu` :{float} - `fsky`:{float} """ Asynch=20 *u.K #data in RJ nuscale=0.408*u.GHz nuscale2=30*u.GHz beta_s=3.12 s_sync=lambda nu : Asynch *(nu/nuscale ) **(-( beta_s +2) ) qs=1.3 *(u.uK)**2 alpha_s=-0.31 qd=208 *(u.uK)**2 alpha_d=-0.59 gamma=(C.h.cgs/C.k_B.cgs /(20 *u.K)).to(1./u.GHz) nudust=353 *u.GHz beta_d=1.55 Adust= 15 fsky0=0.73 *4.*np.pi * s_dust=lambda nu: Adust *(nu /nudust)**(beta_d +1)* (np.exp(gamma *nudust ) -1 ) / (np.exp(gamma *nu ) -1 ) a=1 b=200 c=140 r=.10 correctionfunction=lambda x: (a*np.exp(c*r) +b*np.exp(r*x)) /(np.exp(c*r) + np.exp(r*x)) factor=correctionfunction(nu.value)/correctionfunction(b) fs, fd= compute_variance_ratios(fsky,**kwargs) return ( qs*(ell/80.)**alpha_s * s_sync(nu)/s_sync(nuscale2) *fs + fd*qd *(ell/80.)**alpha_d * s_dust(nu)/s_dust(nudust))*(fsky/fsky0)
[docs]def fit_numbercounts_w_powerlaw(S, n , Smax, **kwargs): """ Fit the differential number counts as a single power law :math:`dN/dS \propto K S^{-\gamma}` up to a maximum flux density. **Parameters** - `S`: {array} array of fluxes - `n`: {function} differential number counts computed from interpolating number counts from model - `Smax`: {float} the flux limit you may want to estimate the power law fit **Returns** - `K`:{float} - `Gamma`: {float} """ Smin=min(S)*2 if not 'verbose' in kwargs: kwargs['verbose']=False f=lambda x,A, gamma:A*x**(-gamma) idval=np.argmin(abs(Smax.value - S.value ) ) popt,cov= so.curve_fit(f , S[:idval], n(S[:idval]),p0=[20,2]) K, Gamma=popt[0], popt[1] if kwargs['verbose']: print "Fitting up to S< %g Jy, Gamma= %g, K=%g"%(S[idval].value, Gamma, K) return K, Gamma
[docs]def compute_confusion_limit(K, Gamma, omega_b, q=5): """ Compute the confusion limit :math:`S_c=5\sigma_c` by means of the definition in Condon, 1974. .. math:: \sigma_c = ( {q ^{3- \gamma}} k \Omega_e/({3- \gamma}) )^{1/ (\gamma-1)} where we set :math:`q=5` for the :math:`5\sigma` *truncation limit*. **Parameters** - `K`, `Gamma` as computed from :func:`fit_numbercounts_w_powerlaw`. """ K*= np.power((u.Jy ), (Gamma-1)) / Omega_e= omega_b /(Gamma-1) sigmac= (q**(3-Gamma)*K*Omega_e/(3-Gamma))**(1/(Gamma-1)) return sigmac
[docs]def beamsolidangle(theta): """ Given a FWHM resolution `theta` in radians, it computes the solid angle in steradians """ return (np.pi* theta**2/4./np.log(2)).to(u.steradian)
[docs]def Krj2Kcmb(nu, Trj): """ Convert antenna temperature ( Rayleigh-Jeans) into the physical one """ nu0 =56.8 *u.GHz x=nu/nu0 return Trj / (x**2*np.exp(x)/(np.exp(x) -1))
[docs]def Kcmb2Krj(nu, Tcmb): """ Convert physical temperature into the antenna one. """ nu0 =56.8 *u.GHz x=nu/nu0 return (x**2*np.exp(x)/(np.exp(x) -1) )*Tcmb
[docs]def Krj2brightness(temp, freq, theta_beam): """ Convert brightness temperature to brightness measured in [Jy /beam] """ # uK_RJ----------> mJy /beam # Astropy here is misleading, it requires Jy quantity but physically should be Jy/sr #sigmaT [uK arcmin] Omega_beam = beamsolidangle(theta_beam) equiv = u.brightness_temperature(Omega_beam, freq) return , equivalencies=equiv)
[docs]def brightness2Krj(sigmaS, freq, theta_beam): """ Convert brightness to brightness temperature """ # mJy /beam --------> K_RJ # Astropy here is misleading, it requires Jy quantity but physically should be Jy/sr #sigmaS [mJy beam-1] Omega_beam = beamsolidangle(theta_beam) equiv = u.brightness_temperature(Omega_beam, freq) return, equivalencies=equiv)
[docs]def brightness2Kcmb (nu,Ib ): """ Returns conversion factor to pass from ``Ib`` brightness units to physical temperature at a given frequency ``nu`` """ nu0=56.8 *u.gigahertz x= nu/nu0 return Ib* 4.e-2*(np.exp(x) -1)**2/( x**4 *np.exp(x)) *u.uK /(u.Jy/ )
[docs]def estimate_power_spectrum_contribution(dNdS, nu,omega_b, Smin, Smax ): """ Given differential number counts :math:`dN/dS`, estimated at certain flux densities :math:`S\in [S_{min}, S_{max}]`, it estimates the integral .. math:: C= \int _{S_{min}} ^{ S_{max}} dS {n(S)} S^2 **Parameters** - `dNdS`: {func} differential number counts interpolated by means of :func:`numpy.interpolate.interp1d` - ` nu`:{float} frequency - `omega_b`:{float} solid angle of the beam - `Smin` and `Smax`:{float} range of integration """ # function to integrate integrand= lambda s: dNdS(s) * s**2 #integral Integral = sp.integrate.quad( integrand, Smin,Smax,limit=1000 ,epsrel=1.e-3) [0] *u.Jy**2/ flux2Kcmb= brightness2Kcmb(nu, 1.) #flux2Kcmb = brightness2Krj(1*u.Jy, nu,fwhm).to(u.uK) return flux2Kcmb**2 *Integral
[docs]def linfunc(x,m,q): return m*x +q
[docs]def sigmaf(P,I, sigmaP, sigmaI): """ Given polarized and intensity flux , P and I and their uncertainties sigmaP and sigmaI, propagates the uncertainties to polarization fraction :math:`\Pi= P/I`. """ return np.sqrt(sigmaP**2 / I**2 + (P/I**2 * sigmaI)**2 )
[docs]def get_spectral_index(v1,v2, S1,S2): """ Computes the spectral index :math:`alpha_{v1} ^{v2}` of fluxes S1, S2 estimated at two different frequencies, v1 and v2. """ return np.log(S1/S2)/ np.log(v1/v2)
[docs]def compute_polfrac_scaling( dir_ps,exclude_HFI_data=True, include_steep=False, **kwargs ): """ Considering observations from several catalogues, it computes the observed polarization fractions and fit a lognormal distribution in order to get from the best fit parameters the average values of :math:`< \Pi> ,< \Pi^2>, \Pi_{med}` and their errors. Once all the datasets have been fitted it computes the scaling of :math:`< \Pi^2>^{1/2}` by means of a linear function. **Parameters** - `dir_ps`: {string} path to the PS4C data folder - `exclude_HFI_data`:{bool} if set to `True` it exclude the data from HFI channels of Planck. - `include_steep`:{bool} if set to `True` it includes in the computation even Steep Spectrum Radio Sources. We recommend you to use this option **if** you are running at low radio frequencies, i.e. :math:`<20` GHz. **Returns** - `A, sigmaA`:{float} the slope and the error on the slope as computed from the linear fit - `B, sigmaB`:{float} the constant term fitted from the linear function """ fname=dir_ps+'spass_nvss_catalog.tsv' cat,dict_cat=read_spass_nvss_catalog(fname, **kwargs) nfreq=18 if include_steep : (cat['alpha'], 0) nfreq-=1 else: flat=['alpha'], -0.5 ) upmaj=['f_majaxis'],-1) upmin=['f_minaxis'],-1) unres = np.logical_and(upmaj.mask, upmin.mask) flat_unres=np.logical_and(flat.mask, unres )['PSP'],0) mask=np.logical_and(flat_unres, notneg.mask) if exclude_HFI_data: nfreq-=3 bins={30:15,44:10,70:15} bonaveravals=[4.03, 4.64,4.48] bonaveraerrs=[0.65, 1.58,0.49] else: bins={30:15,44:10,70:15, 100:7,143:6,217:15} bonaveravals=[4.03, 4.64,4.48,5.75,4.91,4.54] bonaveraerrs=[0.65, 1.58,0.49,0.47,0.51,0.41] pimedian=np.zeros(nfreq) pisquare=pimedian*0. deltapisq=pimedian*0. deltapim =pimedian*0. freqs=pimedian*0. deltapi=np.zeros_like(pisquare) pimean=np.zeros_like(pisquare) idx=0 freqs[idx]=1.4 pimedian[idx],pisquare[idx],deltapisq[idx],deltapim[idx], pimean[idx], deltapi[idx]=fitting_lognormal_from_fluxes(cat['INV'][mask], cat['PNV'][mask], cat['e_INV'][mask],cat['e_PNV'][mask], 'NVSS',workdir=dir_ps,fig=0, **kwargs) idx+=1 freqs[idx]=2.3 pimedian[idx ],pisquare[idx ],deltapisq[idx ],deltapim[idx ], pimean[idx], deltapi[idx]=fitting_lognormal_from_fluxes(cat['ISP'][mask], cat['PSP'][mask], cat['e_ISP'][mask],cat['e_PSP'][mask], 'SPASS', fig=1, workdir=dir_ps, **kwargs) for f in [18,100]: flag,fpol,errfpol= read_galluzzi_fpol_dat(dir_ps+'m'+str(f)+'_resampling.dat', **kwargs) if f==100: resampbool=True nbins=10 string='_ALMA' else: nbins=15 string='' resampbool=True idx+=1 freqs[idx]=f pimedian[idx],pisquare[idx ], deltapisq[idx ],deltapim[idx ], pimean[idx], deltapi[idx]=fitting_lognormal_from_fpol(fpol,errfpol, flag,str(f)+'GHz'+string,workdir=dir_ps, fig=f, nbins=nbins, resampling=resampbool, **kwargs) data= read_jvas_catalog(dir_ps+'jvas_fsrq_ned.dat', **kwargs) flagjvas = value=0,x= data['efpol']).mask idx+=1 freqs[idx]=8.4 pimedian[idx],pisquare[idx], deltapisq[idx], deltapim[idx], pimean[idx], deltapi[idx]=fitting_lognormal_from_fpol(data['fpol']/100., data['efpol']/100., flagjvas, 'JVAS', fig=8, nbins=100,resampling=True,workdir=dir_ps, **kwargs ) planck_catalogs= np.array(glob.glob(dir_ps+'COM_PCCS_*')) channels =[catalog.split('_')[-2] for catalog in planck_catalogs] idx_sort=np.argsort((channels),axis=None,kind='quicksort') for j,catalog in np.ndenumerate(planck_catalogs[idx_sort]): #READ CATALOGUES ch =catalog.split('_')[-2] freq=int(ch) if exclude_HFI_data and freq>=100: continue Iflux,Polflux, eI, eP=extract_flux_from_planck_catalog(catalog,freq, **kwargs) idx+=1 freqs[idx ]=int(ch) pimedian[idx],pisquare[idx],deltapisq[idx],deltapim[idx], pimean[idx], deltapi[idx]=fitting_lognormal_from_fluxes(np.array(Iflux),np.array(Polflux), eI, eP,ch+'GHz',workdir=dir_ps, fig=freq, nbins=bins[freq], **kwargs) cat,dict_cat= read_atca_catalog(dir_ps+'at20_catalog.tsv', **kwargs) alpha=get_spectral_index(4.8,8.6, cat['S5'], cat['S8']) # define FSRQs at low freqs and consider them at 20 GHz if include_steep : ,0).mask else: ,-0.5 ,0).mask # mask nan AND SSRQ in fpol mask1 = np.logical_and( np.logical_not(['m5\n']).mask) , maskflat ) mask2 = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(['m8']).mask) , maskflat) # flagging the upper limits flag1=(['e_P5'][mask1]).mask ) flag2=(['e_P8'][mask2]).mask ) fpol1=np.array(cat['m5\n'][mask1] )/100. fpol2=np.array(cat['m8'][mask2] ) /100. erfpol1=sigmaf( np.array(cat['P5'][mask1] ),np.array(cat['S5'][mask1] ),np.array(cat['e_P5'][mask1] ),np.array(cat['e_S5'][mask1] )) erfpol2=sigmaf( np.array(cat['P8'][mask2] ),np.array(cat['S8'][mask2] ),np.array(cat['e_P8'][mask2] ),np.array(cat['e_S8'][mask2] )) idx +=1 freqs[idx]=4.8 pimedian[idx],pisquare[idx],deltapisq[idx],deltapim[idx], pimean[idx], deltapi[idx]=fitting_lognormal_from_fpol(fpol1, erfpol1, flag1, '5GHz', fig=5,workdir=dir_ps, nbins=20, resampling=True, **kwargs) idx +=1 freqs[idx]=9. pimedian[idx],pisquare[idx],deltapisq[idx],deltapim[idx], pimean[idx], deltapi[idx]=fitting_lognormal_from_fpol(fpol2, erfpol2, flag2, '8GHz', fig=9,workdir=dir_ps, nbins=20, resampling=True , **kwargs) idx+=1 cat, dict_catalog= read_IRAM_catalog(dir_ps+'iram_catalog.tsv') msk cat['mL'] , -1 ).mask fpol= cat['mL'][msk] errfpol= cat['e_mL'][msk] flag= , -1 ).mask freqs[idx]=89 pimedian[idx],pisquare[idx], deltapisq[idx], deltapim[idx], pimean[idx], deltapi[idx]=fitting_lognormal_from_fpol(fpol/100., errfpol/100., flag,'89GHz', nbins=8,workdir=dir_ps, **kwargs) cat, dict_catalog= read_VLA_catalog(dir_ps+'vla_catalog.tsv') alpha1=get_spectral_index(S1=cat['SC'], S2=cat['SX'],v1=4.86 , v2=8.46 ) if include_steep :, 0 ).mask vlabins={'C':4,'X':8, 'K':8, 'Q':6} bands={'C':5.6,'X':8.46, 'K':22.46} else : vlabins={'C':4,'X':8, 'K':12, 'Q':12}, -0.5,0 ).mask bands={'C':5.6,'X':8.46, 'K':22.46, 'Q':43.34} for b,v in bands.items(): msk cat['p'+b] , -1 ).mask mask1 = np.logical_and(flats, msk ) fpol= cat['p'+b][mask1] errfpol= cat['e_p'+b][mask1] flag= , -1 ).mask idx+=1 freqs[idx]=v pimedian[idx],pisquare[idx], deltapisq[idx], deltapim[idx], pimean[idx], deltapi[idx]= fitting_lognormal_from_fpol(fpol/100, errfpol/100., flag, 'VLA_'+b+'_band',workdir=dir_ps, nbins=vlabins[b] , **kwargs) sqrtp, deltasqrtp=np.sqrt(pisquare), (deltapisq)/2./np.sqrt(pisquare) fs= np.sort(bins.keys()) fitfreq=( np.concatenate((freqs, fs+3)) ) data= np.concatenate((sqrtp, np.array(bonaveravals))) errors= np.concatenate((deltasqrtp,bonaveraerrs)) pop,cov=so.curve_fit(linfunc, fitfreq ,data ,sigma=errors) A , B= pop[0]/u.gigahertz, pop[1] sigmaA, sigmaB=np.sqrt(cov[0,0])/u.gigahertz,np.sqrt(cov[1,1]) return A, B, sigmaA, sigmaB
[docs]def compute_dNdP(A,mu, sigma, dNdS, S, Np_quad=32): """ Compute the convolution of differential number counts with the lognormal distribution function, i.e. .. math:: n(P) = \int_{P=S_0} ^{\infty} {dS}/ {S} \mathcal{P} (\Pi) n(S) **Parameters** - `A, mu, sigma`: {floats} lognormal best fit values computed from :func:`Stats.fitting_lognormal_from_fpol` and :func:`Stats.fitting_lognormal_from_fluxes`. - `dNdS`:{func} interpolated differential number counts - `S`:{array} flux densities - `Np_quad`:{int} number of quadrature points. **Returns** - `Pbin`: {array} polarized fluxes - `interpolated_dNdP`:{func} interpolated polarized differential number counts. """ logf= lambda x: lognormal_distribution((x)*100., A, mu,sigma) Normalization= integrate.quad(logf,a=1e-7, b=1 )[0] dNdP=np.zeros(Np_quad) Pbin =np.zeros(Np_quad) for i,P in np.ndenumerate(np.logspace(-3,1,Np_quad)): logfunc= lambda x: lognormal_distribution((P/x)*100., A, mu,sigma)/Normalization integrand=lambda x: logfunc(x) *dNdS(x)/x try: dNdP[i],err= integrate.quad(integrand,a=P, b=S.max().value ) except ValueError: dNdP[i],err= integrate.quad(integrand,a=S.min().value, b=S.max().value ) Pbin[i]= P interpolated_dNdP= interpolate.interp1d(Pbin , dNdP ) return Pbin, interpolated_dNdP