Source code for picasso.utils.utils

#   date: 2019-08-20
#   python3.6
#   Copyright (C) 2019   Giuseppe Puglisi

import reproject
import numpy as np
import as fits

[docs]def h2f(hmap,target_header,coord_in='C'): """ Returns a target square submap from a projected HEALPIX map, given a WCS header, using :py:mod:`reproject` package **Parameters** - ``hmap`` : {array} healpix map - ``target_header``: header defined from :func:`set_header` """ pr,footprint = reproject.reproject_from_healpix( (hmap, coord_in), target_header, shape_out=(500,500), order='nearest-neighbor', nested=False) return pr
[docs]def f2h(flat,target_header,nside,coord_in='C'): """ Returns a HEALPIX map projected and the footprint of a flat one , given a WCS header, using :py:mod:`reproject` package **Parameters** - ``flat`` : {2D array} flat map - ``target_header``: header defined from :func:`set_header` - ``nside``:{int} nside of output healpix map """ pr,footprint = reproject.reproject_to_healpix( (flat, target_header),coord_system_out='C', nside=nside , order='nearest-neighbor', nested=False) return pr, footprint
[docs]def rd2tp(ra,dec): """ Convert ``ra,dec -> theta,phi`` """ tht = (-dec+90.0)/180.0*np.pi phi = ra/180.0*np.pi return tht,phi
[docs]def tp2rd(tht,phi): """ Convert ``theta,phi -> ra,dec`` """ ra = phi/np.pi*180.0 dec = -1*(tht/np.pi*180.0-90.0) return ra,dec
[docs]def set_header(ra,dec, pixelsize ,Npix=128 ): """ Sets the WCS header needed to perform the projection with :func:`h2f` and :func:`f2h`. **Parameters** - ``ra,dec`` : {float} coordinates of the center of the patch - ``pixelsize``:{float} the size of the pixels of the reprojected flat map in units of ``deg/pixel`` - ``Npix``:{int} number of pixels in one side of the flat map """ hdr = fits.Header() hdr.set('SIMPLE' , 'T') hdr.set('BITPIX' , -32) hdr.set('NAXIS' , 2) hdr.set('NAXIS1' , Npix) hdr.set('NAXIS2' , Npix ) hdr.set('CRVAL1' , ra) hdr.set('CRVAL2' , dec) hdr.set('CRPIX1' , Npix/2. +.5) hdr.set('CRPIX2' , Npix/2. +.5 ) hdr.set('CD1_1' , pixelsize ) hdr.set('CD2_2' , -pixelsize ) hdr.set('CD2_1' , 0.0000000) hdr.set('CD1_2' , -0.0000000) hdr.set('CTYPE1' , 'RA---ZEA') hdr.set('CTYPE2' , 'DEC--ZEA') hdr.set('CUNIT1' , 'deg') hdr.set('CUNIT2' , 'deg') hdr.set('COORDSYS','icrs') return hdr
[docs]def MinMaxRescale(x,a=0,b=1): """ Performs a MinMax Rescaling on an array `x` to a generic range :math:`[a,b]`. """ xresc = (b-a)*(x- x.min() )/(x.max() - x.min() ) +a return xresc
[docs]def StandardizeFeatures(x) : """ Standardizes an array `x` to have average ``0``, and std. deviation ``1`` . """ return (x - x.mean()) /(x.std() )
[docs]def return_intersection(hist_test, hist_true ): """ Estimate the intersection between two histograms. """ minima = np.minimum(hist_test, hist_true ) intersection = np.true_divide(np.sum(minima), np.sum(hist_true )) return intersection