Source code for picasso.inpainters.interfaces

#   date: 2019-08-20
#   python3.6
#   Copyright (C) 2019   Giuseppe Puglisi

#import .deep_prior_inpainter as dp
#import .contextual_attention_gan as ca
#import .nearest_neighbours_inpainter as nn

from inpainters import (
  deep_prior_inpainter as dp ,
  contextual_attention_gan    as ca,
  nearest_neighbours_inpainter as nn

[docs]class HoleInpainter(object) : """ This class provides an interface to the 3 inpainting techniques. One of the key parameters is `args` importing arguments input by the user in the inpainting scripts. """ def __init__ (self, args , Npix = 128, meshgrid=True ) : """ Initialize inpainter with the method given in ``args.method``. So far the Deep-Prior and GAN architecture are compatible to run on ``128x128`` images. """ if args.method =='Deep-Prior': self.Inpainter = dp.DeepPrior ( (Npix, Npix, 4), verbose = args.debug, meshgrid=meshgrid ) self.epochs =args.dp_epochs self.optimizer="Adam" self.Inpainter.compile(optimizer=self.optimizer ) elif args.method=='Contextual-Attention' : self.Inpainter = ca.ContextualAttention( modeldir =args.checkpoint_dir , verbose = args.debug ) elif args.method=='Nearest-Neighbours' : self.Inpainter = nn.NearestNeighbours(verbose = args.debug, Npix=Npix, tol =args.nn_tol ) self.method = args.method pass def __call__(self, reuse ) : """ Run inpainting, **Parameters** - `reuse`:{bool} whether to recompile or not the Deep-Prior and GAN neural network. """ if self.method== 'Deep-Prior': return self.DPinpaint(reuse=reuse ) elif self.method== 'Contextual-Attention': return self.GANinpaint(reuse=reuse ) elif self.method== 'Nearest-Neighbours': return self.NNinpaint()
[docs] def setup_input(self , fname, rdseed=None ) : """ Pre-process the flat map by renormalizing and reshaping it as it required by the inpainting method """ self.Inpainter.rdseed = rdseed return self.Inpainter.setup_input( fname )
[docs] def DPinpaint(self,reuse ) : """ Set of instructions to inpaint with :class:`DeepPrior` """ if reuse : self.Inpainter.compile (optimizer=self.optimizer) self.Inpainter.train(self.Inpainter.Z , self.Inpainter.X , epochs=self.epochs ) self.Inpainter.evaluate(self.Inpainter.Z,self.Inpainter.X) p = self.Inpainter.predict()[0,:,:,0] p = self.Inpainter.rescale_back(p ) return p
[docs] def GANinpaint (self , reuse ) : """ Set of instructions to inpaint with :class:`ContextualAttention` """ p = self.Inpainter.predict( reuse ) p = self.Inpainter.rescale_back(p ) return p
[docs] def NNinpaint (self ) : """ Set of instructions to inpaint with :class:`NearestNeighbours` """ return self.Inpainter.predict ( )