Source code for picasso.inpainters.deep_prior_inpainter

#   date: 2019-08-20
#   python3.6
#   Copyright (C) 2019   Giuseppe Puglisi

import tensorflow as tf
from keras import layers

import keras.backend as K
from keras.layers import (
        Dense ,Flatten,Reshape, ZeroPadding2D ,

from keras.models import Model
from keras.initializers import glorot_uniform
from keras.optimizers import RMSprop, Adam
import numpy as np

from utils import MinMaxRescale

[docs]class DeepPrior (): """ Inpainting class interface for Deep-Prior """
[docs] def upsampling_block(self, X, f, filters, stage, block ): """ Implementation of the up-sampling block **Parameters** - ``X``: input tensor of shape ``(m, n_H_prev, n_W_prev, n_C_prev)`` - ``f``: {int} specifying the shape of the middle CONV's window for the main path - ``filters`` :{int} defining the number of filters in the CONV layers of the main path - ``stage`` :{int} used to name the layers, depending on their position in the network - ``block``: {string} used to name the layers, depending on their position in the network **Returns** - ``X``: output of the convolutional block, tensor of shape ``(n_H, n_W, n_C)`` """ conv_id = block + str(stage) X = Conv2D( filters , (f,f) , padding='same', kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0), name='conv1_'+conv_id)(X) X=LeakyReLU(alpha=.1, name='LeakyReLU1_'+conv_id)(X) X = Conv2D( filters , (f,f) , padding='same', kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0), name='conv2_'+conv_id)(X) X=LeakyReLU(alpha=.1, name='LeakyReLU2_'+conv_id)(X) X = UpSampling2D((2,2),interpolation='nearest', name='upsample_'+conv_id)(X) return X
[docs] def downsampling_block(self, X, f, filters, stage, block, s = 2): """ Implementation of a down-sampling block **Parameters** - ``X``: input tensor of shape ``(m, n_H_prev, n_W_prev, n_C_prev)`` - ``f``: {int} specifying the shape of the middle CONV's window for the main path - ``filters`` :{int} defining the number of filters in the CONV layers of the main path - ``stage`` :{int} used to name the layers, depending on their position in the network - ``block``: {string} used to name the layers, depending on their position in the network **Returns** - ``X``: output of the convolutional block, tensor of shape ``(n_H, n_W, n_C)`` """ conv_id = block + str(stage) X = Conv2D( filters , (f,f) , padding='same', kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0), name='conv1_'+conv_id)(X) X = Conv2D( filters , (f,f) , strides=(s,s) , padding='valid', name='downsample_'+conv_id)(X) X=LeakyReLU(alpha=.1, name='LeakyReLU1_'+conv_id)(X) X = Conv2D( filters , (f,f) , padding='same', kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0), name='conv2_'+conv_id)(X ) X=LeakyReLU(alpha=.1, name='LeakyReLU2_'+conv_id)(X) return X
[docs] def myloss(self, y_true,y_pred ): """ Loss function evaluated outside the masked region and normalized by the ground-truth norm. """ Kmask = K.not_equal(y_true,0 ) y1= tf.boolean_mask(y_true,Kmask) y2= tf.boolean_mask(y_pred,Kmask) return K.sqrt(K.sum(K.square( y2 -y1 ), axis=-1)) /K.sqrt(K.sum(K.square( y1 ), axis=-1))
[docs] def my_accuracy (self, y_true ,y_pred ): """ Accuracy defined as the ratio between the 2-norms of the prediction and of the ground-truth. """ Kmask = K.not_equal(y_true,0 ) y1= tf.boolean_mask(y_true,Kmask) y2= tf.boolean_mask(y_pred,Kmask) return K.sqrt(K.sum(K.square( y2 ), axis=-1)) /K.sqrt(K.sum(K.square( y1 ), axis=-1))
def __init__(self, input_shape, nd =[16,32,64,128 ,128 ,128], verbose = False, meshgrid=True ): """ Initialize the Deep -Prior network with parameters reported in the prescription of `Deep-Prior Supplement Material <>`_ """ self.rdseed=123456789 self.verbose=verbose self.meshgrid=meshgrid X_input = Input( input_shape ) nu=nd[::-1] kd =[3] * len(nu) ku = [5]*len(nu) X= self.downsampling_block(X_input, kd[0], nd[0], 0, 'd') #encoder block for i in range(1, len(nu)): X= self.downsampling_block(X , kd[i], nd[i], i, 'd') for i in range( len(nu)): X= self.upsampling_block(X , ku[i], nu[i], i, 'u') X = UpSampling2D((2,2),interpolation='nearest', name='upsample_last')(X) X = Conv2D( 1 , (5,5) , padding='same', kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=0), name='lastconv')(X) X=LeakyReLU(alpha=.1, name='LeakyReLU_last' )(X) #X= Dense( 1 ,activation='relu', name='FC')(X) self.model = Model(inputs = X_input, outputs = X , name='DeepPrior')
[docs] def summary (self) : """ Returns the model summary """ self.model.summary()
[docs] def compile (self, optimizer ) : """ Compile the architecture """ self.model.compile(loss=self.myloss, optimizer=optimizer, metrics=[self.my_accuracy] )
[docs] def train(self, z , X ,epochs =2000, verbose=False ) : """ Iterate over the epochs """ train_out =, X, epochs=epochs , verbose=verbose ) self.loss=train_out.history['loss'] self.accuracy = train_out.history['my_accuracy']
[docs] def evaluate (self, z, X) : self.preds = self.model.evaluate(x=z, y=X) if self.verbose : print ("Loss = " + str(self.preds[0])) print ("Test Accuracy = " + str(self.preds[1]))
[docs] def predict(self,) : """ Inpainting with Deep -Prior """ pred= self.model.predict(self.Z) pred = self.X *np.int_ (self.mask) + pred * (1-np.int_( self.mask ) ) return pred
[docs] def setup_input(self,fname_masked ): """ Preprocessing the corrupted image and setting up the generative images. By default deep-prior will generate pixel values starting from an image with uniformly random distributed pixels (in :math:`[0,1/10]`). Otherwise if ``meshgrid==True``, generator is a set of 4 images, i.e. a upward, downward, leftward and rightward diagonal gradients_summary. This mitigates the gridding pattern injected in the reconstruction area. """ maskdmap=np.load(fname_masked) if self.meshgrid : x = np.linspace(0, 1, maskdmap.shape[0]) y = np.linspace(0, 1, maskdmap.shape[1]) xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y) up = (xv-yv +1)/2 down = (xv+yv )/2 holemask =,0 ) .mask a=0; b=1 maxval = maskdmap[holemask].max() ; minval = maskdmap[holemask].min() maskdmap =MinMaxRescale(maskdmap,a =a ,b=b ) maskdmap[np.logical_not( holemask)]=0. maskdmap = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims( maskdmap, axis=0), axis=-1) self.mask =np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims( holemask, axis=0), axis=-1) randstate= np.random.RandomState(self.rdseed) noisemap = randstate.uniform(low=a, high=b , size=maskdmap.shape ) # see the Deep prior paper for the choice b=1./10 self.min = minval; self.max = maxval if self.meshgrid : self.Z =np.expand_dims(np.array([xv,yv, up,down] ).T,0) self.X = maskdmap; else: randstate= np.random.RandomState(self.rdseed) noisemap = randstate.uniform(low=a, high=b/10 , size=maskdmap.shape ) self.X = maskdmap; self.Z = noisemap ; pass
[docs] def rescale_back (self, v ) : """ rescale inpainted map to physical units . """ return MinMaxRescale(v, a= self.min , b = self.max )