Source code for picasso.inpainters.contextual_attention_gan

#   date: 2019-08-20
#   python3.6
#   Copyright (C) 2019   Giuseppe Puglisi

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import neuralgym as ng
from .generative_inpainting_model import InpaintCAModel

from utils import MinMaxRescale

[docs]class ContextualAttention(InpaintCAModel) : """ Inpainting with GAN. It requires a `pre-trained` network with weights stored in ``modeldir``. This is a further interface layer to the Generative inpainting developed by Jiahui Yu ( """ def __init__(self, modeldir = None , verbose=False ): self.checkpoint_dir = modeldir self.verbose=verbose super(ContextualAttention , self).__init__()
[docs] def setup_input(self,fname_masked ): """ Pre-process the map to be inpainted with GAN. """ fname_whole= fname_masked.split('_masked')[0] +fname_masked.split('_masked')[1] maskdmap=np.load(fname_masked) holemask =,0) .mask maxval = maskdmap[holemask].max() ; minval = maskdmap[holemask].min() wholemap= np.load(fname_whole) #maskdmap = MinMaxRescale(maskdmap ,a=-1, b=1 ) wholemap= MinMaxRescale(wholemap , a=-1, b=1 ) self.X = wholemap; self.mask = 1. - np.int_(holemask ) self.min = minval; self.max = maxval pass
[docs] def rescale_back (self, v ) : """ MinMax rescale to the map to the physical units """ return MinMaxRescale(v, a= self.min , b = self.max )
[docs] def preprocess_input ( self ) : self.h, self.w = self.X.shape grid = 8 image = np.repeat(self.X [:,:,np.newaxis], 3, axis=2) mask = np.repeat( self. mask[:,:,np.newaxis], 3, axis=2) #eventually resize the image image = image[:self.h//grid*grid, :self.w//grid*grid, :] mask = mask[:self.h//grid*grid, :self.w//grid*grid, :] if self.verbose : print('Shape of image: {}'.format(image.shape)) image = np.expand_dims(image, 0) mask = np.expand_dims(mask, 0) input_image = np.concatenate([image, mask], axis=2) input_image = tf.constant(input_image, dtype=tf.float32) return input_image
[docs] def postprocess_output ( self, output,sess ): output = tf.reverse(output, [-1]) # load pretrained model vars_list = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES) assign_ops = [] for var in vars_list: vname = from_name = vname var_value = tf.contrib.framework.load_variable( self.checkpoint_dir, from_name) assign_ops.append(tf.assign(var, var_value)) if self.verbose : print('ContextualAttention Model loaded.') result = outarray = result[0][:, :, ::-1].mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True ) .reshape(self.h,self.w) return outarray
[docs] def predict (self, reuse ): """ Inpainting with GAN """ sess_config = tf.ConfigProto() sess_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.Session(config=sess_config) as sess: input_image = self.preprocess_input( ) output = self.build_server_graph(input_image, reuse=reuse ) out = self.postprocess_output(output, sess ) return out