Code Documentation


cloudmodel.MCMole3D module

class cloudmodel.MCMole3D.Cloud(idcloud, x1, x2, x3, size=None, em=None)[source]

Bases: object

Object encoding the properties of each cloud, i.e.:

  • \((R,\phi, z )\) the Galactic coordinates of the center of the cloud, in units of \((kpc, rad, kpc)\);
  • \((d_{\odot},\ell, b )\) the position referred in the Solar system frame in units of \((kpc, rad,rad)\);
  • \(\epsilon\), the emissivity in the center in units of \(K km/s\)
  • \(L\) the cloud size in units of \(pc\)
assign_sun_coord(d, latit, longit)[source]

replicating the profile in eq.(3) of Puglisi+ 2017


Compute the size in a very wide range of cloud sizes \([s_1,s_2] pc\), from random numbers following the probability distribution function coming from the cloud size function eq.(4) of Puglisi+ 2017. We split it in two parts :

  • if \(L>s_0\) a decreasing power-law distribution has been assumed with spectral index \(a_L=0.8\) (see Heyer Dame 2015).
  • Otherwise In the outer Galaxy a lower spectral index has been measured \(a_L=3.3\), whereas in the inner Galaxy a steeper one \(a_L=3.9\).
class cloudmodel.MCMole3D.Cloud_Population(N_clouds, model, randseed=False)[source]

Bases: object

class encoding a list of Clouds objects. It is initialized by setting the total number of clouds and the geometry you may want to distribute them. It contains N_clouds Cloud objects.


convert arrays of cylindrical ( spherical if a Spherical distribution is chosen ) coordinates to cartesian ones. It exploits astropy routines.


convert galactic latitude and longitude positions in healpy mapping quantinties: position vectors.


Looping into the clouds of this class it returns the emissivity and size of each cloud.


convert Galactocentric coordinates to heliocentric ones


read from an hdf5 output file the cloud catalog and assign values


Makes density contour plots of all the cloud population.


Set figname to the path of your file where to save the plot, otherwise it outputs to screen.


Makes histograms of all over the population of clouds to check the probability density functions (PDF) of the coordinates \(R_{gal}, z, d_{\odot}, \ell\).


Set figname to the path of your file where to save the plot, otherwise it outputs to screen.

plot_radial(X, ylabel, figname=None, color='b')[source]

Plot a quantity X which may variates across the Galactic radius \(R_{gal}\). (e.g. the midplane thickness, the emissivity profile,etc...)


Set figname to the path of your file where to save the plot, otherwise it outputs to screen.


print the parameters set for the simulation


Output on screen the whole Monte-Carlo catalogue of molecular clouds


Read from an hdf5 file the cloud population. the Cloud_Population is thus initialized by initialize_cloud_population_from_output()

set_parameters(radial_distr=[5.3, 2.5, 3], emissivity=[60, 3.59236], thickness_distr=[0.1, 9.0], typical_size=10.0, size_range=[0.3, 30])[source]

Set key-parameters to the population of clouds.

  • radial_distr:{list}

    \((\mu_R,FWHM_R, R_{bar})\) parameters to the Galactic radius distribution of the clouds, assumed Gaussian. The last parameters is the postition of the bar tip. Default \(\mu_R= 5.3 \, ,\sigma_R=FWHM_R/\sqrt(2 \ln 2)= 2.12,\, R_{bar}=3 \, kpc\).

  • thickness_distr:{list}

    \((FWHM_{z,0}, R_{z,0})\) parameters to the vertical thickness of the Galactic plane increasing in the outer Galaxy with \(\sigma(z)=sigma_z(0) *cosh(R/R_{z,0})\). Default \(\sigma_{z,0}=0.1 \, , R_{z,0}=9\) kpc.

  • emissivity:{list}

    Parameters to the emissivity radial profile, \(\epsilon(R)= \epsilon_0 \exp(- R/R_0)\). Default Heyer and Dame 2015 values : \(\epsilon_0=60\, K km/s,\, R_0=3.6 \, kpc\).

  • typical_size: {scalar}

    Typical size of molecular clouds where we observe the peak in the size distribution function. Default \(L_0=10\) pc.


Write onto an hfd5 file the whole catalogue

class cloudmodel.MCMole3D.Collect_Clouds(N_pops, model, Ncl=4000, filestring=None)[source]

Bases: cloudmodel.MCMole3D.Cloud_Population

List of Cloud_population classes . Read from output


Concatenate arrays of several Cloud_Population objects to process all of these quantities together


Write onto an hfd5 file the whole catalogue

cloudmodel.mapping module

cloudmodel.mapping.cosine_apodization(x, d)[source]

Smooth the emissivity of the cloud with a cosine function, with the following relation:

\[\epsilon(x) = \epsilon_c \cos ( frac{\pi}{2} frac{x}{d})\]

here \(d\) is the border of the cloud, i.e. the radius of the cloud, in such a way that the \(\epsilon(d)=0\).

cloudmodel.mapping.distance_from_cloud_center(theta, phi, theta_c, phi_c)[source]

given a position of one pixel \((theta,\phi)\) within the cloud compute the arclength of the pixel from the center, onto a unitary sphere. by considering scalar products of vectors to the points on the sphere to get the angle \(\psi\) between them. This routine is exploited by do_healpy_map().

see for reference : Arclength on a sphere

cloudmodel.mapping.do_healpy_map(Pop, nside, fname, apodization='gaussian', polangle=None, depol_map=None, p=0.01, highgalcut=0.0)[source]

Projects the cloud population into an healpy map as seen as an observer in the solar circle.


  • Pop :


  • nside:{int}

    Healpix grid parameter

  • fname:{str}

    path to the fits file where to store the map

  • apodization:{str}

    profile of the cloud (either gaussian or cos)

  • polangle:{np.array or map}

    the angle of polarization

  • depol_map:{map}

    the depolarization map due to line of sight effects

  • p: {float}

    polarization fraction ( default 1%)

  • highgalcut: {float}

    angle in radians to exclude clouds at high galactic latitudes, sin(b)<= sin(angle);


if polangle is set this routine produces even polarization maps, i.e. the Q and U Stokes parameters.

cloudmodel.mapping.gaussian_apodization(x, d)[source]

Smooth the emissivity of the cloud with a gaussian profile, centered in the center of the cloud and with sigma defined in such a way that:

\[d = 6 \sigma\]

where \(d\) is the border of the cloud, coinciding with size of the cloud.

cloudmodel.utils module

cloudmodel.utils.integrate_intensity_map(Imap, nside, latmin=-2, latmax=2.0, nsteps_long=500, rad_units=False, planck_map=False)[source]

Compute the integral of the intensity map along latitude and longitude; to compare observed intensity map and the model one. To check consistency of the model we compute the integral as in eqs.(6) and (7) of Puglisi+ 2017.


  • Imap:{array}

    intensity map

  • nside: {int}

    healpy gridding parameter

  • latmin, latmax:{double}

    minimum and maximum latitudes in degree where to perform the integral (default \(\pm 2\, deg\)) if you have the angles in radiants set rad_units to True.

  • nsteps_long:{int}

    number of longitudinal bins, (default 500)

  • planck_map:{bool}

    if set to True, it sets to zero all the healpy.UNSEEN masked pixels of the map, (useful when dealing with observational maps).


  • I_l :{array}

    latitude integration within the set interval \([b_{min}, b_{max}]\)

  • I_tot:{double}

    integration of I_l in \(\ell \in [0,2 \pi]\).

cloudmodel.utils.log_spiral_radial_distribution2(rbar, phi_bar, n, rloc, sigmar)[source]

values of pitch angle from Vallee‘2015 \(i=12\) deg.


  • rbar: {float}

    Galactic radius [kpc] where the bar begins

  • phi_bar: {float}

    angle \(\phi_0\) of the bar tip

  • n:{int}

    number of clouds to be distributed following the logspiral geometry

  • rloc,`sigmar`:{floats}

    Location and width of molecular ring in kpc.


  • r, phi: {arrays}

    array (n-size) of galactic radii and azimut angle following a logspiral distribution

cloudmodel.utils.pixelsize(nside, arcmin=True)[source]

Given a nside healpy gridding parameter returns the pixel size of the chosen pixelization in arcmin (or in radians if arcmin= False)

cloudmodel.utils.plot_2powerlaw_size_function(s0, s1, s2, figname=None)[source]

Plot histograms and Probability function of the cloud size function as explained in eq.(4) and (5) of Puglisi+ 2017.

It is defined by three parameters : s0, s1,`s2`, being respectively the, typical cloud size (where the size function peaks), the minimum and the maximum sizes. Thus \(s_1<s_0<s_2\).


Set figname to the path of your file where to save the plot, otherwise it outputs to screen.

cloudmodel.utils.plot_intensity_integrals(obs_I, mod_I, model=None, figname=None)[source]
Plot the intensity integrals computed with integrate_intensity_map() for both

the obseverved maps(obs_I) and the one simulated with MCMole3D mod_I.


  • Set figname to the path of your file where to save the plot, otherwise it outputs to screen.
  • Set model to put the title and the

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