# date: 2019-08-20
# python3.6
# Copyright (C) 2019
import numpy as np
[docs]class NearestNeighbours():
Nearest-neighbours inpainting by diffusing the average of the nearest pixel values.
Inpainting can be performed on a generic location in the map.
It is performed in a loop and it is stopped when the inpainted array
in two subsequent iterations is essentially the same for
a given tolerance threshold ``tol``.
Default tolerance is the one set from numpy.allclose, ``1e-8``.
def __init__ (self, Npix =128 , verbose = False , tol=1e-8 ) :
self.verbose= verbose
self.Npix =Npix
self.tol = tol
[docs] def predict (self ):
Inpainting the map with Nearest-Neighbours .
mask_pos = np.where(self.mask ==0)
x,y =mask_pos
p = self.X.copy()
p[np.logical_not (self.mask )] = self.X [self.mask ] . mean ()
X=Y =self.Npix
neighbors = lambda x, y : [(x2, y2) for x2 in range(x-1, x+2)
for y2 in range(y-1, y+2)
if (-1 < x < X and
-1 < y < Y and
(x != x2 or y != y2) and
(0 <= x2 < X) and
(0 <= y2 < Y))]
while True:
tmp = p[mask_pos]
for i,j in zip( x,y):
p[i,j] = np.array([p [k,l] for k,l in neighbors(i,j ) ] ).mean()
if np.allclose(p[mask_pos ] , tmp, atol=self.tol ): break
return p