Source code for cloudmodel.utils

#   miscellaneous  functions
#   date: 2016-12-02
#   Copyright (C) 2016   Giuseppe Puglisi

import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import norm

[docs]def plot_2powerlaw_size_function(s0,s1,s2,figname=None): """ Plot histograms and Probability function of the cloud size function \ as explained in eq.(4) and (5) of `Puglisi+ 2017 <>`_. It is defined by three parameters : `s0`, `s1`,`s2`, being respectively the,\ typical cloud size (where the size function peaks), the minimum and the maximum sizes. Thus :math:`s_1<s_0<s_2`. .. note:: Set `figname` to the path of your file where to save the plot, otherwise it outputs to screen. """ alpha1=.8 spectral=[3.3,3.9] coldict=dict.fromkeys(spectral) coldict={i:j for i,j in zip(spectral,['blue','red'])} for alpha2,col in zip(spectral,['b-','r--']): #normalization constant such that Integral(dP)=1 in [sizemin,sizemax] k2=1./( 1./(alpha1 + 1.) *s1**(-alpha1-alpha2) *( s1**(1+alpha1 )- s0**(1+alpha1) ) \ + 1./(1.- alpha2 )* (s2**(1-alpha2)- s1**(1-alpha2))) k1=s1**(-alpha1-alpha2) * k2 X10 = k1/(alpha1+1.)*(s1**(1+alpha1 )- s0**(1+alpha1)) X21 = k2/(1.-alpha2)*(s2**(1-alpha2)- s1**(1-alpha2)) x=np.random.uniform(size=40000) sizes=[] for i in x: if i<X10: sizes.append(((alpha1+1.)/k1 * i + (s0)**(1+alpha1))**(1/(1+alpha1))) else : sizes.append( ((1-alpha2)/k2 * (i-X10) + (s1)**(1-alpha2))**(1/(1-alpha2)) ) l1=np.linspace(s0,s1,64) l2=np.linspace(s1,s2,64) p1=lambda l: k1/(1+alpha1)*(l**(1+alpha1) - s0**(1+alpha1)) p2=lambda l: k2/(1-alpha2)*(l**(1-alpha2) - s1**(1-alpha2)) + X10 plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.xlim([s0,100]) plt.xticks(fontsize=15) plt.yticks(fontsize=15) plt.hist(sizes,bins=70,normed=True,alpha=0.4,color=coldict[alpha2]) plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip') plt.xscale('log') plt.ylabel(r'$\xi(L)$',fontsize=20) plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.xlim([s0,s2]) plt.xticks(fontsize=15) plt.yticks(fontsize=15) plt.plot(l1,p1(l1),col,label=r'$\alpha_L=$'+str(alpha2)) plt.plot(l2,p2(l2),col) plt.xlabel(r'$L $ [ pc ]',fontsize=20) plt.ylabel(r'$\mathcal{P}(<L)$',fontsize=20) plt.legend(loc='best',prop={'size':15}) if not (figname is None): plt.savefig(figname) pass
[docs]def pixelsize(nside,arcmin=True): """ Given a `nside` :mod:`healpy` gridding parameter returns the pixel size of the chosen pixelization in arcmin (or in radians if `arcmin= False`) """ if arcmin: return np.sqrt(4./np.pi /hp.nside2npix(nside))*(180*60.) else : return np.sqrt(4.*np.pi /hp.nside2npix(nside))
[docs]def plot_intensity_integrals(obs_I,mod_I,model=None,figname=None): """ Plot the intensity integrals computed with :func:`integrate_intensity_map` for both the obseverved maps(`obs_I`) and the one simulated with MCMole3D `mod_I`. .. note:: - Set `figname` to the path of your file where to save the plot, otherwise it outputs to screen. - Set `model` to put the title and the """ stringn=['observ','model'] for l,s in zip([obs_I,mod_I],stringn): nbins_long=len(l) nsteps_long=nbins_long+1 long_edges=np.linspace(0.,2*np.pi,num=nsteps_long) long_centr=[.5*(long_edges[i]+ long_edges[i+1]) for i in xrange(nbins_long)] long_deg=np.array(long_centr)*np.rad2deg(1.) longi=np.concatenate([long_deg[nbins_long/2:nbins_long]-360,long_deg[0:nbins_long/2]]) ob=np.concatenate([l[nbins_long/2:nbins_long],l[0:nbins_long/2]]) plt.plot(longi,ob,label=r'$I^{'+s+'}(\ell)$') plt.yscale('log') plt.xlim([-180,180]) plt.ylim([1.e-1,3.e3]) plt.ylabel(r'$I(\ell)$ K km/s',fontsize=20) plt.xlabel('Galactic Longitude ',fontsize=20) plt.legend(loc='best',prop={'size':15}) if not model is None: plt.title(model+' Model') if figname is None: else : plt.savefig(figname)
[docs]def integrate_intensity_map(Imap,nside,latmin=-2,latmax=2. ,nsteps_long=500,rad_units=False,planck_map=False): """ Compute the integral of the intensity map along latitude and longitude; to compare observed intensity map and the model one. To check consistency of the model we compute the integral as in eqs.(6) and (7) of `Puglisi+ 2017 <>`_. *Parameters* - `Imap`:{array} intensity map - `nside`: {int} :mod:`healpy` gridding parameter - `latmin`, `latmax`:{double} minimum and maximum latitudes in `degree` where to perform the integral (default :math:`\pm 2\, deg`) if you have the angles in radiants set `rad_units` to `True`. - `nsteps_long`:{int} number of longitudinal bins, (default 500) - `planck_map`:{bool} if set to `True`, it sets to zero all the :mod:`healpy.UNSEEN` masked pixels of the map, (useful when dealing with observational maps). **Returns** - `I_l` :{array} latitude integration within the set interval :math:`[b_{min}, b_{max}]` - `I_tot`:{double} integration of `I_l` in :math:`\ell \in [0,2 \pi]`. """ if planck_map:,hp.UNSEEN) Imap[arr.mask]=0. if not rad_units: latmin=np.pi/2.+(deg2rad(latmin)) latmax=np.pi/2.+(deg2rad(latmax)) nbins_long=nsteps_long-1 long_edges=np.linspace(0.,2*np.pi,num=nsteps_long) long_centr=[.5*(long_edges[i]+ long_edges[i+1]) for i in xrange(nbins_long)] listpix=[] for i in xrange(nbins_long): v=[ hp.ang2vec(latmax, long_edges[i]), hp.ang2vec(latmax, long_edges[i+1]), hp.ang2vec(latmin, long_edges[i+1]), hp.ang2vec(latmin, long_edges[i])] listpix.append(hp.query_polygon(nside,v)) delta_b=pixelsize(nside,arcmin=False) delta_l=2*np.pi/nbins_long I_l=[sum(Imap[l])*delta_b for l in listpix ] Itot= sum(I_l)*delta_l return Itot,I_l
[docs]def log_spiral_radial_distribution2(rbar,phi_bar,n,rloc,sigmar): """ values of pitch angle from `Vallee'2015 <>`_ :math:`i=12` deg. *Parameters* - `rbar`: {float} Galactic radius [kpc] where the bar begins - `phi_bar`: {float} angle :math:`\phi_0` of the bar tip - `n`:{int} number of clouds to be distributed following the logspiral geometry - `rloc`,`sigmar`:{floats} Location and width of molecular ring in kpc. *Return* - `r`, `phi`: {arrays} array (`n`-size) of galactic radii and azimut angle following a logspiral distribution """ pitch=-12.0*np.pi/180. pitch2=-12.*np.pi/180. pitch3=-12.*np.pi/180. Rbar=rbar Rmax=12 theta0= lambda R,A,B: A *(np.log(abs(R))+B) # this will take negative values .... better to put abs() radii= norm.rvs(loc=rloc ,scale=sigmar,size=n) phi=radii*0. phi[0:n/4]=theta0(radii[0:n/4],1./np.tan(pitch),-np.log(rbar)) -np.pi +phi_bar phi[n/4:n/2]=theta0(radii[n/4:n/2],1./np.tan(pitch2),-np.log(rbar)) -2*np.pi +phi_bar phi[n/2:3*n/4]=theta0(radii[n/2:3*n/4],1./np.tan(pitch3),-np.log(rbar)) -np.pi/2. +phi_bar phi[3*n/4:n]=theta0(radii[3*n/4:n],1./np.tan(pitch),-np.log(rbar)) -3.*np.pi/2. +phi_bar r=radii*0. sigmamin=.30#kpc sigmamax=.4 #kpc m=(sigmamax - sigmamin)/(Rmax-Rbar) q=sigmamin- m*Rbar for i,ir in np.ndenumerate(radii) : if ir <Rbar: continue sigma = abs(m*ir +q) r[i]=norm.rvs(loc=ir ,scale=sigma,size=1) return r,phi